How To Create Slow Weight Loss Plans That Work?

How To Make A Slow Weight Loss Plans That Work?

Having good effective weight management required a real long time commitment.

I honestly think losing weight in long run is the healthiest and most sustainable way for getting in good shape.

When it comes to weight loss, many people are eager and impatient to get immediate results through dieting or fasting. It is still workable but there may be some health implications in the longer time period.

If you are considering starting a healthy weight loss journey, you need to have a proper realistic goal and strategy.

How do you create slow weight loss plans that work? What are the best tips and rules to lose weight?

Keep reading here.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Having A Slow Weight Loss Plan?

Getting into losing weight naturally has proven remarkable health benefits for the body.

When you are losing weight slowly,

1. Your body and mind are been optimized and improve overall health as your body is been given more time and support to adopt the changes.

2. The fact that your body will slowly and naturally get to adapt better to the burning calories effects.

3. More sustainable in the long haul because you don’t need to be strict on your diet plan.

4. You won’t be losing much muscle mass as you are not stricter in dieting.

5. Physical visible – most likely the visible stretch mark on the body will be reduced especially on the buttocks area.

Do you agree with the above facts?

Leave me a comment below if it’s contradicting your opinions.

How Much Weight Loss Is Actually Considered Healthy?

Healthy weight loss for an individual depends on many factors such as,

1. age.

2. gender.

3. height.

4. current weight and body structure.

5. health history such as obesity.

You can also use the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator to find out how much weight exactly you need to lose.

In general, an ideal weight range is between 18.5 – 24.9 BMI. Any index lesser than 18.5 is considered underweight. If the BMI shows a weight range of between 25.0 – 29.9 is considered overweight and BMI over 30.0 is under the obese category.

Try to calculate and measure your BMI here.

Ideally, the US Central Disease and Control (CDC) had recommended a steady and slow weight loss of about 1 – 2 lbs a week (or 4 – 8 lbs a month) as more effective and successful to shed off the extra pounds.

It seems still a little to lose but in case those who are still not aware, according to the CDC, even 5 – 10 percent of weight loss of the total body weight may have a great positive health impact on our body such as blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol level.

This is true for obese people who lose just a few pounds or 5 percent in a month is a very positive sign in reducing the high risk of chronic-related diseases such as heart failure, blood pressure, and high cholesterol.


Natural Health Source

How To Create A Healthiest Weight Loss Plan That Work?

What do you need to know in order to create the healthiest weight loss plan and strategy in the long haul?

Follow these few simple assessment steps to begin your road to a healthier weight loss.

1. Start by accessing your daily routine. Find out where exactly you are eating. For example, if you are working outside all day, the food you eat during your lunchtime may influence your eating habits.

Also, are you eating healthily now and then, balancing a diet consisting of healthy fat, protein, and carbs? Ask yourself these questions! It could be the reason to weight gain.

2. Identify the root cause that is causing you to gain weight. What could have been wrong here?

Have you been eating more junk food, than usual, eating unhealthy snacks at late night, insufficient sleeping time, not having adequate exercise, or maybe even stress?

3. Go and fix the problem once you are able to identify what could have caused the sudden weight gain. You can seek advice from your nutritionist or personal trainer who can guide you through and help you to solve these concerns.

4. Choose a realistic and reasonable calorie goal. How many calories you are aiming to burn in a day or a month? Noting that how many calories you can burn depends on certain factors such as age, gender, body weight, health conditions, and current physical strength.

A pound is equal to 3,500 calories and a healthy weight loss plan is to lose an average of 1 – 2 lbs a week  (4 – 8 lbs a month). If you burn more calories than you can consume in a day, you will stand to lose weight. That’s the rule!

5. Ensure that you have enough protein intake in your diet plan. Besides, healthy fats and carbohydrates nutrients, having sufficient protein nutrient are vital for the body.

Experts had suggested that an adult (19 years old or above) male should have 56 grams and an adult female with 46 grams of daily protein intake.

6. If you are into snacks for a late-night Netflix, instead of pizzas, burgers, cookies, or other fattening food, shift to fruits or vegetables for a healthy filling stomach.

7. You need to begin with some exercises that you are comfortable with. It can be any form of exercises such as morning or evening walking, running, cycling, yoga or pilates, or swimming.

Remember that combining both physical activities with a sustainable weight loss program is the real key to your fitness success.

Which Is The Healthiest Weight Loss Plans That Work?

The term ‘healthiest weight loss plans’ is kind of subjective to me.

Personally, I think whichever diet plan you think is helping in weight loss and maintaining it in the long haul, you can stick with it. To me, I don’t really have weight loss plans to follow but it’s more of a ‘lifestyle’ itself.

I do eat a lot in the past and then just a few years back, I slowly adapted myself to healthier eating habits and get cautious about what goes into my stomach.

I also admitted that I have a high metabolic rate as it is hard for me to gain weight naturally, which of course a blessing to me, thanks to my family’s gene, lol.

Just as long you focus on eating healthily with a balanced diet such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and avoiding processed food, you are good to sail smoothly. Try to make also a healthy smoothie and incorporate it into your morning diet plan.

Limit the fat intake from dairy products (unless those are low-fat or non-dairy products) and sugary foods that can ‘boom’ your calorie intake.

Some people will recommend intermittent fasting (IF) with the keto diet which somehow proved to be an effective dieting strategy for most healthy adults.

Various patterns of ‘IF’ plans such as 16/8 or 5/2 plans are to restrict your calorie intake during the eating window which gradually leads to weight loss. Please discuss with your dietician or medical health expert this dieting concept.


The Smoothie Diet 21 Days Challenge

What Are The Tips To Follow For Healthiest Weight Loss Plan?

Follow these guidelines correctly and you should be fine.

1. Get enough sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. This is the basic and classic rule. Lack of good sleep not only triggers the hunger ghrelin hormone but also decreases the leptin hormone which leads to weight gain.

2. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, black coffee, or brewed tea (without adding milk) that helps quench your thirst all the time.

3. Never skip your first meal of the day because if you do, you are going to miss out on the important nutrient to start your day. You may in turn open more chances for taking snacks as you are already hungry.

4. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables in your meals as they are super low calories, and a good source of protein, carbs, fiber, and healthy fats. Fiber can actually keep you feeling full for a longer time.

5. Try checking on your weight once a week. Can you easily zip up those jeans than before or have you felt your favorite shirt is loosened after putting it on?

6. Your dining plate should be reorganized or use a smaller plate in a way containing more vegetable portions and lesser meaty food (perhaps just a quarter).

7. Always have this habit of reading food labels each time doing your grocery. Check out the nutrition facts labels. How many calories does it have? Can this fit into your weight loss goal?

8. You should try to have a proper meal at a regular time to burn calories faster. Don’t forget to plan your meal ahead for a week so you know where you stand on the daily calorie allowance.

9. Exercise exercise exercise! At least 3 times weekly. It doesn’t matter which type of exercise you do, nothing works more efficiently without exercising at all.

Be more active and don’t just depend on dieting or fasting as the only way to get in shape. Move your butt now!


Custom Keto Diet

How Can Weight Training Slow Down Your Weight Loss?

Doing your weight training routine can slow down the weight loss process because you are promoting muscle growth and the density of your body is increasing.

This doesn’t mean that you are getting fatter here as you are gaining more muscles instead. Muscles are much heavier than fat!

What you need to do is to compare the calorie intake through the BMI calculation before starting losing weight with the current body weight. You will know if you are gaining weight or losing fat.

Alternatively, do a body measurement, your height against your waistline ratio. Is it going up or down? If it is increasing, not good as it means gaining weight!

My Overall Thoughts: How To Create Slow Weight Loss Plans That Work?

Weight loss should be seen as a positive long journey and not as a final destination.

This gradually earns you a healthier and happier lifestyle as you are learning and adopting new eating habits.

Always bear in mind that consistency is the path to any success you are after.

Just don’t get off course and never give up.

All these matters to your healthy weight loss path to victory.

Every pound lost is a victory, regardless of whether it takes you a month or longer time! You will eventually achieve a significant weight within a year!

Leave me a comment if you have and I will interact back within 24 hours.

To your weight loss and home exercise success.


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